
Jerry Saltzer - (Saltzer, Jerry)

Page history last edited by Jack Daniel 8 years, 2 months ago

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Saltzer
Jerry Saltzer's home page at MIT http://www.mit.edu/~Saltzer/
Saltzer and Schroeder paper, Protection of Information in Computer Systems: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs551/saltzer/

Inducted into the (US) National Cyber Security Hall of Fame 2015 http://www.cybersecurityhalloffame.com/

From the Cyber Security Hall of Fame page:

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Jerome H. Saltzer has been a faculty member at MIT since 1966, where his teaching and research interests have been about principles of computer system engineering. His involvement in cyber security began with the discovery in 1964 that it was surprisingly easy to break into the MIT Compatible Time-Sharing System. 

"He helped design the security aspects of the Multics time-sharing system and he led the development of a security kernel for Multics; later he led the development of the Kerberos single-login authentication system. His paper with Michael D. Schroeder "The Protection of Information in Computer Systems" collected a set of security principles that have been widely cited for four decades."


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