"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"
Most famously attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, this quote reflects the sentiment of this project. All of us in the field of information security stand on the shoulders of giants, this project is dedicated to shining a light on those shoulders- the known and unknown. Initially focusing on early contributors to InfoSec, the project will continue to grow with community support.
Contact email is info[at]shouldersofinfosec.org Please email comments, remembrances, anecdotes, and references to add to the body of knowledge. If you would like to contribute to this project on an ongoing basis, please request membership and help maintain the wiki.
The Shoulders of InfoSec:
Initial entries include only names and some reference links; with time and community support more names, information, and personal stories will be added.
Bob Abbott - (Abbot, Robert P)
Len Adleman - (Adleman, Leonard M)
Jim Anderson - (Anderson, James P)
Ross Anderson - (Anderson, Ross J)
Becky Bace - (Bace, Rebecca)
David Bell - (Bell, David Elliott)
Bill Cheswick - (Cheswick, William)
David Clark - (Clark, David D)
Clifford Cocks - (Cocks, Clifford)
Steve Crocker - (Crocker, Stephen D)
Dorothy Denning - (Denning, Dorothy E)
Whit Diffie - (Diffie, Whitfield)
James Ellis - (Ellis, James H)
Hal Finney - (Finney, Hal)
Ted Glaser - (Glaser, Edward L)
Virgil Gligor - (Gligor, Virgil D)
Peter Guttman - (Guttman, Peter)
Marty Hellman - (Hellman, Martin E)
Harold Highland - (Highland, Harold)
Jack Holleran - (Holleran, Jack)
Grace Hopper - (Hopper, Grace M)
Bob Johnston - (Johnston, Robert E)
Stephen Katz - (Katz, Stephen)
Butler Lampson - (Lampson, Butler W)
Len Lapadula - (LaPadula, Leonard J)
Steve Lipner - (Lipner, Steve)
Ralph Merkle - (Merkle, Ralph C)
Robert Morris - (Morris, Robert)
Robert T Morris - (Morris, Robert T)
William Hugh Murray - (Murray, William H)
Peter Neumann - (Neumann, Peter G)
Donn Parker - (Parker, Donn B)
Padgett Peterson - (Peterson, Padgett)
Ron Rivest - (Rivest, Ronald L)
Marv Schaeffer - (Schaeffer, Marvin)
Gene Schultz - (Schultz, Eugene)
Adi Shamir - (Shamir, Adi)
Brian Snow - (Snow, Brian D)
Spaf - (Spafford, Eugene H)
William Stallings - (Stallings, William)
Cliff Stoll - (Stoll, Clifford P)
Willis Ware - (Ware, Willis H)
Malcolm Williamson - (Williamson, Malcom J)
Third phase, pages and links coming soon, then will be alphabetized into the above list
Fred Cohen - (Cohen, Fred)
Joan Daemen - (Daemen, Joan)
Dan Farmer - (Farmer, Dan)
Horst Feistel - (Feistel, Horst)
Elizebeth Friedman - (Friedman, Elizebeth S)
Dan Geer - (Geer, Dan)
Anita Jones - (Jones, Anita)
Paul Karger - (Karger, Paul)
Karl Levitt - (Levitt, Karl)
Vincent Rijmen - (Rijmen, Vincent)
Jerry Saltzer - (Saltzer, Jerry)
Mike Schroeder - (Schroeder, Michael)
Hal Tipton - (Tipton, Hal)
Alan Turing - (Turing, Alan)
Weitse Venema - (Venema, Weitse)
Featuring references and resources for finding more information on the history of information security.
Babbage Institute:
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